Monday, May 23, 2011

Protein Shake

Not the most exciting photo, but it was consumed today.  1 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze, 1 scoop True Protein Gemma Pea Protein Isolate , 1 tablespoon Chocolate Brown Rice Protein Isolate.  37 grams of protein. Just sayin.


  1. I guess I'll buy the Protein Isolate after I use up my Hemp Powder. Looks like those old Carnation Instant Breakfasts!

  2. I definitely recommend it. It blends really well, isn't gritty and has decent flavor (for protein powder of course) and it has zero carbs. I have the chocolate peanut butter flavor and it is mild but good. I mix the pea and rice protein to achieve the complete amino profile, but you don't need to if you aren't using it post workout.
