Friday, June 22, 2012

Fun Friday!

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great week. Mine was fine but not over. I have to be up at 5 am for a day wedding tomorrow then I have another wedding on Sunday. Fun times!

So for today's Fun Friday post I figured I'd do a workout post :) Some of you asked me to talk about workouts so I figured I'd start broad and narrow a bit as the weeks go on. I think it is important to include variety in your workouts so you don't get bored. I have tried tons of different workouts in my life and some have stuck and some haven't.

Check out the workouts that I'm loving the most right now!

You all know I'm a big fan of the Tone It Up girls. This is one of my favorite workout videos that they've put on Youtube. I love how they all have a beachy theme too :)

You all knew kickboxing would show up sooner rather than later. This is Gina Carano training with an amazing view. That normally doesn't happen though. I recommend it because it is a great stress relief, teaches you a lot of skills you can use in self defense (which you would hopefully never need!) and it really just feels good to kick ass! I'm going to miss it during this break but hopefully when I get back to it I'll be back to normal!

I have practiced Bikram yoga for two periods of about 4 months each. The first session is absolutely miserable but after that it feels amazing. It is cleansing, your flexibility improves exponentially, you learn how to deal with the heat and it is such a feeling of accomplishment every class. This is what I have been thinking about doing for the next month while I have to eliminate impact training. I think it will help my neck a lot. If I remember correctly, it helped the last time I picked up the practice... about a year and a half ago. I'm going to run it by the physical therapist before I start.

I have mentioned it a million times on here but don't know if I explained it well. This is the arc trainer. I love this cardio machine and it is one of the only things that doesn't aggravate my shoulder/arm. I usually describe it as a cross between a stair climber and an elliptical. Love it.

This is actually something that I've always wanted to try! Have any of you ever been mountain biking before? It sounds like a great challenge and like so much fun! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

Sorry if this post is boring but these are some of the general workouts that I either love or am interested in trying. I will be getting more specific in future Fun Friday posts :) I'd love suggestions for specific things you'd like to see and also workouts that you love that you think I should try! I'd love to try some new things :)

This isn't a workout but it is something that my mom emailed me and had to share because it is so cute!

Haha I love it! So perfect for the heat wave we just had. Today we had a monsoon like storm that naturally started while I was driving and ended just after I got soaked getting out of the car ;) Gotta love that! At least it won't be a million degrees over the weekend when I have to work.

Hope you all had a great week! Do something fun over the weekend for me! :) I'll have to live vicariously through all of you!


  1. 5 am on a Saturday?! That's not fair!

    What a great variety of workouts, which I agree is important. I used to mountain bike quite a bit, but my wrists just can't take it anymore. It was fun! I would go out each morning and hit up the trails in a nearby park, which could be pretty brutal at times. I actually just sold my mountain bike on Craigslist last month. I miss it, but haven't been able to use it in years. :(

    I'll have some fun for you tomorrow, but I hope that your work day has at least some fun it it!

    1. I concur lol! 5 am is pretty gross on any day but Saturdays especially.

      Oooh that is so good to know about mountain biking! I've been really interested in trying it. I'd probably be more inclined to rent a bike for the first trip to see if it is worth the investment. If I don't like it I'd be really glad I didn't buy one! I also have to wait until my neck gets better because I have heard it can be bad for that, especially if you have incorrect posture, which I'm sure I will!

      Thank you! I can't wait to live vicariously through you :)

  2. hahahha oh man that's great! i like your mom's sense of humor:) and that's my favorite workout machine too! i feel like it's the only cardio machine that actually "works something!" Yikes, 2 weddings this weekend! I'm glad it's cooled off for you! and at least you'll be making some good money! :) have a great day tomorrow! sleep fast! haha

    1. Lol I know it's so funny! My mom is pretty awesome :)

      I LOVE doing intervals on the arc trainer. I feel like I get a great workout on a low impact machine which I don't feel often.

      Yeah the money will make it somewhat worthwhile. The winter is really bad for me and I just scrape by so I have to really work my butt off during the summer to even it out. Kind of stinks but it is what it is I guess.

      Thank you! I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight :)

  3. I LOVE this post! I think you already know my fitness plans, and all that jazz - but I did check out Blogilates (sp?), and I really do love the TIU Girls. I subscribed to their newsletter and sign up for their challenges, so I'm constantly getting info about workouts. I love it!

    Bikram yoga sounds perfect! From the way you describe it, it seems like a challenge yet gentle on the joints (as compared to boxing, especially!). I strongly dislike being hot, so this would be tough for me! Maybe one day I'll be brave and try it. :)

    We have some serious mountain bikers around here. It's like a sub-culture all its own. From what I've seen, it's all about core and leg strength - most of time they are in that position where they are not sitting on the seat, but not standing straight up. Like a constant squat. Can you envision it, or did I lose you? Ha! You're in such good shape, I bet you could do it!!

    P.S. I received your card today - thank you, you are so sweet!

    1. Awww thanks Ingrid, I'm so glad you liked it! To be honest, it is pretty difficult for me to really get into a workout video but the TIU girls are so inspiring and fun!

      I think Bikram is going to be the way to go as long as I get cleared by the physical therapist. When I did Bikram yoga in the past it was always a great challenge and my flexibility would improve so much. I used to be super intolerant of the heat but doing Bikram yoga helped me deal with it! I'm not as sensitive to it in the summer. If you do try it do me a favor and try it at least three times ;) You'll hate it the first time, but by the third time you'll be hooked! I keep telling myself that I'll have to get through the first class then I'll be ok :)

      That is so cool that there is a mountain biking community there! My legs are core are probably my strengths so that would be good I think, as long as I can keep my posture correct! And yes that makes sense, I think I remember it from the lone spin class I took. I used to be in way better shape, this neck situation has really done a number on me.

      Aww good I'm glad you got it! That was quick too!

  4. I hear you on the early wake up time! I have to work at 530 tomorrow (and yes I am awake at 2 am lol- I forgot to order my coffee as a decaf last night when I went out- needless to say I can't sleep after 3 espresso shots...)!

    I have only done bikram yoga a few times- I like it but could never stick with it- I think I get bored of doing the same sequence every class. But you're right- there are crazy improvements in flexibility and endurance that come with it! Sounds like a great idea for a low impact exercise!

    OMG that comic with the popcorn...tooo funny! Thanks for sharing it- made me smile :)

    Try and enjoy your weekend even though you're working- I'm right there with ya!

    Gabby @ the veggie nook

    1. Lol looks like we both missed out on some sleep because I ended up being woken up by some incredibly loud thunder and incredibly bright lightning at 3:30 am and could not get back to sleep! I left for work at 6 am and didn't get home until 7 pm. So tired! Yikes, I doubt I'd be sleeping after 3 espresso shots either!

      I definitely agree that Bikram yoga can get repetitive because it is the same 26 poses every time. My last 4 month stint in Bikram yoga included a separate Vinyasa class at my gym to keep things fresh :) The way I think of it now is that they are the same poses but you feel different every class so each time you deal with new challenges.

      Haha glad you liked it!

      Thanks! Hope you aren't working too hard, have a great weekend!

  5. All of these workouts look like fun. I personally love Bikram and have done it off and on for a few years. The way it makes me feel (after the first few sessions) is totally addictive. I find it very cleansing and calming.

    Enjoy your working weekend :)

    1. Thanks Nikki! I agree with you about Bikram yoga. I feel like I get addicted to it but then fall out of it just as quickly. I love the way it makes me feel and I love that it makes me crave light, fresh, clean foods.

      Thanks, have a great weekend!

  6. We've had the heat wave and last night's storm as well. Glad the storm pushed out the heat. Cool Yoga position poster. I only know the 'Downward Dog' and 'Sun Salutation' cuz our pups do those poses all the time.

    1. Were your storms really intense and crazy! I was woken up by some serious thunder and lightning at 3:30 am. It was like a light show!

      Aww puppy yoga! I'd love to see that ;) Bikram yoga consists of the same 26 poses each class. Sadly neither Downward Dog or Sun Salutations are included in those 26 poses.

  7. Man you are hardcore! I've been meaning to get back on the working out bandwagon, but beyond walking, I'm kind of terrible at sticking with physically demanding things! Give me some beer and good company and I'm right at home, but ask me to run? Hoo boy. But it'll happen. Eventually.

    1. Haha thanks! I don't do them all at the same time but I do like variety. Things will be different for a little while as I'm trying to alleviate the shoulder/arm/neck pain but these are just a few workouts I enjoy. The best thing to do is find something you love! You hate running so skip the running. I remember seeing that you love dancing so maybe try a Zumba class or video?

  8. Thanks for sharing your workouts. Those Tone It Up girls are silly, but maybe you have to be silly and have fun with your workouts if you want to make sure you don't get bored. I don't know how to ride a bike, but I'd love to learn. It's on my bucket list!

    1. Lol yeah they are silly but that's what makes it fun and not torture lol. I haven't been on a bike in years so I wonder if what they say is true! I think you'd like bike riding, it's great because you get a change in scenery and some vitamin d!
