Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hitting My Stride

Hey everyone! I hope this evening finds you all well :) I have been feeling pretty good lately, like I'm getting back to where I wanted to be with my clean eating and having amazing workouts. In fact, my training session today felt AMAZING.  I'm really looking forward to my session tomorrow. And now that it is getting cooler out I'll probably start running on the treadmill was way too hot to do it during the summer and I feel like I've been lazy with the rebounder so I just need to get my but up and run.

Anyway, now it's time for some yummy grub!

Breakfast to go! Gala apple with some peanut butter and a tiny 1tbsp container of raisins. So good.

Lunch was so delicious and fresh. 1 falafel in that back left corner, a big ol' carrot, tomato, hummus and some dolma. One of my favorite meals.

Dinner: Roasted extravaganza! Roasted cauliflower in the back, roasted sweet potato and some roasted chickpeas. Delicious.

Hope you all have a great night! I'm watching UFC Unleashed right now... all I need is a big ol' cup of coffee and I'd be in heaven!


  1. Interesting how sometimes the food can touch and sometimes it can't...

  2. Hahahaha! The food that touches is strategically placed. Trust me, that is a well constructed lunch box. :) It also depends on how much time I have in the morning when I'm making everything...when i'm at work at 9 it tends to touch, if I go in at 11 or 2 it probably will be separated.

  3. UFC? Hahaha! Classic! Oh..the fries at the apple orchard on my blog were fried potatoes. Yum!

  4. Get out seriously?! I thought they were some kind of apple fry situation! Potatoes are yummy but I'm thinking baked apple chips with cinnamon...oh it's happening now!

    And hell yeah UFC :) I train in boxing, kickboxing and muay learn A LOT watching these fights!

  5. Those are some very nicely blackened roasted vegetables! I bought a mini container the other day and I'm absurdly stoked to use it. Even the lady who rang me up was like, "It's so cute!" "I know!!"

  6. Yeah, the sweet potatoes got a little overdone but were still yummy! Yay I can't wait to see the container! As I'm sure you can tell, I love mugs, dishes, containers...everything! :D

  7. PS, in RE: MoFo, finding the RSS was frustrating but it's not hard. Read this

    to check, but I'm pretty sure this is your feed:

  8. You DO eat very light and very "clean." Well done!

  9. Things I love about this post: mini-containers, your lunch in it's entirety, and all the roastin' going on at dinner time. A lovely day of food.

  10. Jenny - Thanks!! :)

    Nikki - Thanks, I love my mini containers too :) The lunch was delicious and it is so easy to put together. I highly recommend the combo!

  11. What a great food day! I'm so "J" of your roasted extravaganza! I've got to roast me some veggies this weekend. You have me cravin em! I've felt better the last couple of days myself, since I've been eating cleaner.

  12. Yum yum yum with a side of yum! You eat well :)
    Your containers in the top photo are too cute, I've got to find some!
    & I'm impressed you can eat just 1 falafel! I can't say I've ever managed that... oh wait, I once had one about the size of my fist does that count?

  13. Michelle - Aww thanks! No reason to be "j" (lol love that!) I'm sure you'll have your own roasting extravaganza and yours won't be burned lol! It is amazing the difference you feel when you eat clean.

    Claire - Thanks! The small pink container came with my bento box set and the other one is just a tiny tupperware you can find in the grocery store. I love falafel but I have more of a hard time limiting my dolma consumption because I LOVE THEM.
