Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun Friday - Things That Rock My Socks

Hey everyone, happy Friday! Hope you all had a great week and that you are enjoying the start of your weekend. I'm very happy that it is the weekend and tomorrow is a special day: my mom's birthday! We will be celebrating so I probably won't have a post up tomorrow but you never know!

Anyway, keeping up the same Friday tradition I've had for the past few weeks, here are some things I'm into this week.

I just joined Pinterest! I literally just joined a few hours ago so I'm working on it but definitely feel free to follow me! I can't figure out how to get the button on the side of my blog because for some reason Blogger will only add a URL and I have HTML code for it? Oh well, for now please just click HERE to follow! ;) If anyone has any pinterest advice I'd love to hear it!

Another song that will be played out in a week but I'm loving anyway is Gotye ft. Kimbra "Somebody That I Used To Know." It's a great song and Kimbra's (the girl) part is pretty much the story of my life, Ha!

The minute I saw Gabby's Raw Lemon Coconut Hemp Seed Bites I knew I had to make them... soon! I figured it was a perfect way to start my pantry challenge so after I got home from work today I made a batch for myself :) They are SOOOOO good and super easy to make. Thanks for the great recipe Gabby, I'm so glad I found your blog! 

BUBBLE TEA!! I have loved this stuff ever since I was a grad student in Seattle (5-6 years ago) and there were 3 bubble tea places within 3 blocks of my apartment. It is tea with some sort of fruit flavor and tapioca pearls. It's so good and I hadn't had one in so long! I found out that a new place opened close to my house and they had bubble tea so I naturally made my way over there. This one is peach tea with tapioca pearls. Sorry the picture is so ridiculous, I was practically hanging out of the car taking it. The place was very small but cute, had a lot of different flavor options and even had a few vegan food options! None were gluten free but the bubble tea was enough for me. Before this place opened up you'd have to go to Flushing or Manhattan to get it and I'm never really in either place. It was incredibly sweet so I'll ask them to only put half the usual amount of fruit puree in there next time. Best. Discovery. Ever.

And finally, the start of my pantry challenge this weekend is rocking my socks off! I already wrote up a list of dishes I want to make and I can't wait to start varying up my meals a bit. Hopefully the blog will perk up with some creativity this week :)

Hope you have a great Friday and Saturday! I'll see you on Sunday, and don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY by midnight on Monday!


  1. YAY I'm so glad you made (and liked) them! I absolutely love them and I will be making them as soon as I add back in agave to my diet.

    Oh bubble tea, love. I haven't had it in ages! Not many places here sell it, but it's definitely a favourite :)

    Gabby @ the veggie nook

    1. OMG they are so good! Perfect little snack for an energy boost. I love the taste of fresh zest, it is so bright and lovely!

      I was so happy to find the bubble tea! Last night was the perfect night for it too, it was so warm and beautiful!

  2. Welcome to Pinterest! I'm following your boards now...and you already have a ton of pins!

    Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Sage! I'm following you too :) I can't wait to check out your boards you always find the coolest stuff! Yeah I went a little crazy with the pins because I don't like leaving things barely started. The pinning will slow significantly now that I have a good base :)

      Thanks you too!

  3. I've been hearing a lot about Pinterest, and your page is beautiful! I love all the Aurora Borealis images. Perhaps I'll join in during the summer!

    I'm such a nerd, most of the time I listen to NPR in the car (especially on Saturday - I love "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me", occasionally "This American Life" depending on the story). Thus, I'm a little behind on music. I did like the song, and have had the chorus in my head ever since!

    Both the lemon coconut bites and the bubble tea sound great! Is it similar to Lollicup? It sounds like it might be.

    Looking forward to your pantry recipes!!

    1. Aww thanks Ingrid! I am having fun with it so far! I'm using it as a vision board for my future. Hopefully I can make it come true :) It would be so cool if you joined, I'd love to see what your boards look like!

      Haha the only reason I listen to the radio is because the cd player ate shit in my car. I'm lucky the thing still runs lol :) That song is SUPER catchy, the chorus is awesome.

      I think it is similar to Lollicup. I friggin love bubble tea but it is usually too sweet so next time I'll get it with less peach. Mmm so good!

      I'm looking forward to making them!

  4. I'm on Pinterest so I'll connect with you there. I don't use it much, but I did create a few boards. My favorite Thai restaurant has bubble tea and Sweetie has ordered it a few times. Those macaroons look wonderful. Seems like the pantry challenge is going well, not to be confused with the panty challenge. ;-)

    1. oooh yay for Pinterest! I held off for a while but I don't know why it is so fun! Bubble tea is awesome you should give it a try :) Hahahaha I always feel like I'm going to typo pantry I check everything over a million times and I'll probably still mess it up!

  5. I'm glad you're on Pinterest now! I'm not very active on there, but do pop in from time to time.

    I love that song by Gotye and can definitely relate to Kimbra's lyrics when it comes to a few of my past relationships.

    I've yet to have bubble tea, but want to eventually. Just haven't had the chance yet. I keep reading about it and am intrigued!

    The pantry challenge is a great idea. We used to do that for a few weeks before every long road trip, but haven't been able to for a while (since we haven't been able to take long trips lately). It's always nice to clean out the pantry.

    1. I checked out your boards, I love your airstream board! So great!

      The song is awesome. My brother and I had a race to see who would make it our ringtone first (I love my app that lets me make any song in my itunes library a ringtone!) and I heard his phone go off the other day and it was the song and I was pissed because I totally forgot! Ha! My ringtone is still currently "Passenger" by the Deftones.

      Bubble tea is so good. The tapioca has the texture of gummy bears, it is so fun and keeps things a bit interesting :) I remember the first time I tried it I was like WtF but I was hooked the second time!

      Go for the pantry challenge, even if you aren't going on a trip! It is nice to change things up :)
