Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Already?

Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post this weekend. I decided to take the weekend off... from everything. It was very relaxing, I got to spend time with Delilah and it went WAY too fast! I am back now though and I have some fun meals to share with you.

Like I said, I took the weekend off from blogging, mostly because I didn't want to worry about photographing everything and so I could just relax. There was one meal that I did photograph though because I thought it was kind of awesome and I couldn't NOT show you!

I took some of my Vegg Frittata breakfast burrito! I took a wedge of the frittata and mashed it up and put it in a gf tortilla along with some avocado. You can't see the avocado really in the above photo, which is why I took the next one...

The other end of the burrito is way prettier and you can see the avocado :) It was really good! The avocado was the perfect addition!

Now onto today's eats.

Breakfast was a blueberry mango smoothie: 1/2 cup each of frozen blueberries and mango, almond milk, Vega Shake & Go Vanilla Almondilla and a ton of spinach.

Snack was a big ass orange.

Lunch was the last piece of Vegg Frittata and a big side of salad.

Pre workout snack was a Lemon Coconut Hemp Seed Bite.

I'm off to the gym in a few minutes for a nice long workout including a training session. Hopefully my shoulder will be ok. I woke up and did some yoga this morning because I thought that part of the problem may be the way I sleep... it helped a little I suppose? I got approval for the MRI so I'm about to make the appointment and hopefully we can get this show on the road sooner rather than later!

Not sure what dinner will be, probably nothing special. Just working on going through the pantry stuff which is mostly grains so it'll probably be quinoa and veggies!

Have a great night everyone!


  1. I don't blame you for taking a few days off. It can be nice to have a break! The burrito looks fantastic!

    Hopefully you can get in very soon for the MRI and get the results right away. It's so nice to get answers!

    1. Thanks Molly! It felt good to just relax and have no worries. The burrito was tasty!

      My MRI is scheduled for Thursday, first thing in the morning (unless the referral gets screwed up but hopefully that works out, ha!) so I'll get in soon! Thanks! I hope that it will clarify things for me.

  2. Your eats look delicious as usual- especially that burrito. Avocado makes everything amazing :)

    I hope the MRI leads to some answers for you! My fingers are crossed!

    Gabby @ the veggie nook

    1. Thanks Gabby! I agree, avocado really does make everything even better!

      Thanks, me too!

  3. If you were like me and spent all weekend dreading Monday, you wouldn't ask 'Monday already?' Instead you would ask, 'Will it be as bad as I've been imagining all weekend?' Just FYI. I gotta get some of that Vegg stuff.

    1. Aww lol I try not to think about the impending doom of the following week until Sunday night. Definitely try the Vegg, it'll make your omelettes more "eggy."

  4. The weekend do go by too fast! I, too, participate in the ebb and flow of blogging - a break is absolutely needed sometimes! I'm so glad you were able to spend time relaxing, and hang out with your cute niece.

    Your breakfast burrito looks AMAZING!! I was thisclose to making a frittata this weekend, but in the ended made a few other items. You might have convinced me to make it happen sooner rather than later!

    I hope your workout went well, and I am so happy you've been approved for the MRI.

    1. Aww thanks, it was definitely relaxing and she is the best!

      Thanks!! The frittata was great but next time I'd cut the recipe in half because it just makes so much. I get bored by things pretty quickly but I actually finally finished it off!

      Thanks, the workout was good... my arm didn't give out :) And thank you so much, me too! Now I just have to get these earrings out by Thursday...yikes!

  5. That frittata looks great! And I love the wrap you made with it too; I agree, the avocado and frittata combo sounds super tasty...a match made for each other.

    Glad you enjoyed your weekend!

    1. Thanks Rose! I love avocados so much, I feel like I've been adding it to everything lately! :)

      Thanks, hope you had a good one too!
