Friday, July 20, 2012

Fun Friday! Treating Myself

Hey everyone! I hate to start off my fun Friday post on a bit of a down note but I can't really gloss over the news I woke up to. Pretty much as soon as I woke up I heard about the horrific shooting in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater in the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. I was completely horrified to think that someone could do something so heinous and disgusting. My thoughts are with those impacted by this tragedy.

Later on today I was running errands and ran into a TON of traffic. I finally passed the source of the problem which was a 4 car accident. They were all in one lane. I obviously didn't see what happened but my guess is that the first car either stalled or just stopped at a green light and the others just crashed right into each other, one right behind the other. It didn't look too serious, I think everyone was ok but one of the cars was completely smashed in the back and had quite a bit of damage in the front. I'd be surprised if that car hits the road again. Luckily the passenger areas of that car didn't look damaged.

What's my point in all of this? At the risk of sounding morbid (and that isn't my intention, I promise), you don't know how long you have on this earth. For this reason, we need to make sure that we live every day to the fullest with no regrets.  I know how easy it is to let life pass you by, letting your dreams get away from you and wishing you had spent your time differently. I'm totally guilty of it myself. However, there is no excuse for it anymore. It is so scary to take risks but we are all here for a reason and we should not be afraid to embrace that. So for me, I'm going to stop making excuses and start making changes in my life. I have spent too many years being unhappy and it is time to start making moves toward happiness and fulfillment. I owe it to myself and I'm worth it, and you are too! Life is way too short my friends.

OK. I'm sorry if that was morbid or depressing but I was just incredibly moved by today's events and wanted to touch on it. I'm going to turn the tone of this post around right now though! Today's Fun Friday post will feature some presents I bought myself this week (I've been working hard, I totally deserve it! ;]) as well as a few random things I'd like to share :)

The first gift I got for myself was inspired by Gabby! I saw them on her blog and immediately was obsessed with them. How adorable! I just got them in the mail yesterday. They came in a set of 4, can't wait to use them! Photo courtesy of Amazon :)

I got each movie for $9.50. Can you believe I didn't have Fight Club in my collection yet?! My movie collection is severely lacking anyway so I'm hoping to buy one movie per month to bulk it up a bit. You know, for rainy days ;) I caught Zombieland randomly one night on tv at like 1am and loved it so decided to add it as well :) 

This purchase was inspired by Sara and her travels! A few years ago I was in Destin, Florida for my brother's wedding. We decided to fly in and out of New Orleans and drive to Destin so I was able to spend one glorious day and night in New Orleans. It went by waaaaay too quick and I fell in love with it immediately. We ended up at Cafe Du Monde because it's kind of a must when you are in New Orleans. I wasn't vegan yet and enjoyed a cup of their coffee (iced naturally) and it was AMAZING. I still think of that coffee. I had no idea that they sold decaf and then I saw that Sara had picked some up! I had actually been thinking about ordering some for months and knowing I could get decaf sealed the deal. I ordered it immediately!

Now, as you all know I kicked my pretty intense coffee habit a few months ago. I am so proud of myself for not picking it back up. Right now I treat myself to one DECAF coffee (typically a decaf soy latte) once a week, typically on a Sunday morning. I recently read this post which discussed a topic that Gabby had discussed prior on her blog as well. I basically learned that cold brewing coffee will result in a smoother, less bitter taste AND the coffee will be almost 70% less acidic!! That is great news! I plan on cold brewing this coffee as soon as I receive it in the mail :)

That's it for the gifts I bought myself :) I found a few other things I'd like to share though!

I remember that you guys were amused when I said I was going into "beast mode" and had to share this with you! Apparently I'm not the only one that says that ;)

How adorable are these "Train Like a Beast Look Like a Beauty" tanks! I think Cassey from Blogilates is doing a giveaway with these tanks but I just wanted to show you because I thought they were awesome!

Finally, another Pinterest find! How cute are these little mason jars with pre-mixed cocktails! No need to spend all that time behind the bar when you can mix your drinks, pour them separately and let your guests grab when they want to! Love this idea and you know I'm a sucker for a mason jar ;) Original post here!

Thanks for bearing with this long post and sorry it was a little depressing in the beginning. I hope that you had a good Friday and that you enjoy your weekend! One more day until I get to relax!


  1. Those are two of my favorite movies with two of my favorite actors (Edward Norton & Woody Harrelson)!

    Not too much of a downer in the beginning of this post, either. I agree, we never know how long we are for this world. I see too many people just piss their life away and it's so sad. Life is the greatest gift of all.

    Love the mugs you got and you should totally get one of those tanks. How perfect for you!

    1. I loooooooooooove Edward Norton! Woody Harrelson is awesome in Zombieland :)

      You are so right, life is definitely the greatest gift of all.

      Can't wait to use the mugs! Haha I'll keep the tank in mind for the next time I splurge ;)

  2. Great Movies and Great Food! Cant beat that! :)

  3. So many things to say about this post!

    1. No worry about being a downer- it's an important reminder of something I myself am guilty of. It's why I dropped everything and moved to Ireland for a year and why I decided to go back to school in September. The only thing that sucks is the 9 months of waiting in between Ireland and school. So I'm definitely not living my life to the fullest right now which bums me out- I need to start!

    2. Ahh you got the mugs! So cute! I love mine- I drink everything out of them now lol

    3. Great movies- I looove both of them. Woody Harelson cracks me up in Zombieland.

    4. So excited for you to try cold-pressed coffee. It's seriously so smooth- you're going to love it! I think I'll go put some on

    5. A girl I work with was actually talking about those pre-mixed cocktails and I thought it sounded cute, and here you are directing me right to the source! I love that idea- I need to remember that for my (potential) wedding someday

    One more day girl and then you can chill! Enjoy it :)

    1. Haha I know I packed a lot in here!

      I agree, unfortunately life isn't all rainbows and butterflies. That is amazing that you've been doing what you want to do. I need to follow your lead and take some risks and make changes in my life. It's not your fault you have to wait until school starts. I also think you are doing a lot more than you think right now. Look what you've accomplished with your blog. I think you are setting the groundwork for your future because you plan on studying nutrition. This is a great way to start that education, even if you aren't taking classes yet!

      I know I can't wait to use my mug! Woody Harrelson is HILARIOUS in Zombieland.

      Can't wait to try cold pressed coffee! I'll let you know how I like it!

      That would be so cute for a wedding! It would be cute to include the recipe with the jar too, either attached on a piece of paper or written on there somehow ;)

      Thanks! Can't wait!

  4. Those mason mugs are on Amazon?! That's what I've been wanting. I just ordered lids that screw onto mason jars, thought that was pretty awesome!

    And yes, it's always good to slow down and enjoy each moment. Such sad news about that shooting.

    1. Yes the mason jars are on amazon! The lids sound awesome! Where did you find those?

      So sad to think that people are capable of that.

  5. The Mason Jar mugs look so nice. I also have fond memories of Cafe Du Monde from my pregan days. Weren't you gonna formulate some vegan Beignets for us?

    1. I love these mugs, I can't wait to use them. I loved Cafe Du Monde so much! Yes, once I get some free time I'll work on those beignets for you!

  6. Yay, you got the coffee! I'm definitely enjoying it more than my usual Target brand decaf, haha. And I like your movie taste -- Fight Club is a necessity in any film collection if you ask me!

    1. Yay I know, thanks for the inspiration! Can't wait until it gets here! I know, FIght Club is a classic!

  7. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging the transience of life, especially when that acknowledgement propels you to live more fully.

    Re you Friday finds: Those mugs put me in the mood for a nice iced tea. I have seen Fight Club and loved it, but never heard of Zombieland. Zombies are very "in" these days though. I love coffee so I'm not gonna argue with that. You have support for beast mode - ha ha! The mason jar cocktails are a cool idea. I know what you mean about loving mason jars - they're such nice and efficient containers.

    Happy almost your day off!

    1. I agree. Such a sad event but it makes you realize how short life is.

      I know I need to make some good iced tea. Zombieland came out years ago and it's not a zombie movie that takes itself too seriously. It's more campy which makes it fun! Have you ever tried chicory coffee? It's so good. I plan on using mason jars a lot in my future :)

      Thanks! Can't wait!

  8. That is so true, Sarah. The shooting really shook me too - life is so fragile and precious. It is so terribly tragic what happened. Gosh. On a lighter note, those tanks are super cute! I think you should get one!! :) Freedom tomorrow! :D

    1. Haha maybe I'll get one as part of my Tough Mudder gift to myself ;)

  9. Mason jars with handles?! Too cute. Would you believe I've not been to New Orleans? Such a travesty! I have tried the Cafe Du Monde coffee, though, as they sell it at stores near me. You are such a rock star for not having it too often. I didn't have coffee too much this summer, but last week I kind of brought it back into my diet.

    Thanks again for the email :)

    1. Lol aren't they awesome! New Orleans is a must! I am dying to get back there and experience it properly. The coffee is so amazing. Thanks it is tough because I want it every day! Trying to exercise moderation ;)

      You're welcome, glad to hear you are ok!

  10. The batman shooting thing was pretty shocking - I tend to reassure myself by the knowledge that the VAST majority of people are not that insane. And life IS short, I get hit by that sometimes too. I wish you much luck as you head in the direction of your heart's desire! I've been keeping that more in mind this year too and have gone through a lot of upheaval, but am also experiencing more liberty and happiness than I ever have.

    I love mason jar mugs, I have one. :) And cold brew coffee is completely delicious, though I find I need to steep it for a couple days to get to the potency I like! Then warmed up on the stove, it's the smoothest coffee - still has all the kick but not as much of the tang.

    1. It was disgusting and totally shocking. Thank you so much, I'm hoping to make some changes soon. I'm glad that you are in a good place!

      I'll have to play with the steeping time I guess. I want my coffee to get here so I can try it lol! I'm very impatient ;)
